b-pharmacy jntu hyderabad II year / I sem

New Syllabus (R17)

B.Pharmacy (Semester-III) All-In-One (As Per The Revised 2016-17 Regulations) (PCI) Pharmacy Council Of India, Low Price 2020-21 Edition

B.Pharmacy (Semester-III) All-In-One (As Per The Revised 2016-17 Regulations) (PCI) Pharmacy Council Of India, Low Price 2020-21 Edition


1. Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-II
2. Physical Pharmaceutics-I
3. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
4. Pharmaceutical Engineering.

New Syllabus (R17)

A Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics-I, B.Pharmacy II-Year I-Sem (Semester-III) (R17) JNTU-HYD

A Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics-I, B.Pharmacy II-Year I-Sem (Semester-III) (R17) JNTU-HYD



States of Matter and Properties of Matter: States of matter, changes in the states of matter, latent heats, vapour pressure, sublimation critical point, eutectic mixtures, gases, aerosols – inhalers, relative humidity, liquid complexes, liquid crystals, glassy states, solid-crystalline, amorphous and polymorphism. Physicochemical Properties of Drug Molecules: Refractive index, optical rotation, dielectric constant, dipole moment, dissociation constant, determinations and applications.


Solubility of Drugs: Solubility expressions, mechanisms of solute-solvent interactions, ideal solubility parameters, solvation and association, quantitative approach to the factors influencing solubility of drugs. Dissolution and drug release, diffusion principles in biological systems. Solubility gases in liquids, solubility of liquids in liquids, (binary solutions, ideal solutions) Raoult’s law, real solutions, azeotropic mixtures, fractional distillation. Partially miscible liquids, critical solution temperature (CST) and applications. Distribution law, its limitations and applications.


Micromeretics: Particle size and distribution, average particle size, number and weight distribution, particle number methods for determining particle size by (different methods), counting and separation method, particle shape, specific surface, methods for determining surface area, permeability, adsorption, derived properties of powders, porosity, packing arrangement, densities, bulkiness and flow properties.


Complexation and Protein Binding: Introduction, classification of complexation, applications, methods of analysis, protein binding, complexation and drug action, crystalline structures of complexes and thermodynamic treatment of stability constants.


pH, Buffers and Isotonic Solutions: Sorensen’s pH scale, pH determination (electrometric and calourimetric), applications of buffers, buffer equation, buffer capacity, buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems, buffered isotonic solutions. Isotonicity, colligative properties and determination of tonicity of a system.

New Syllabus (R17)

A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-II, B.Pharmacy II-Year I-Sem (Semester-III) (R17) JNTU-HYD

A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-II, B.Pharmacy II-Year I-Sem (Semester-III) (R17) JNTU-HYD



Benzene and its Derivatives: (a) Analytical, synthetic and other evidences in the derivation of structure of benzene, orbital picture, resonance in benzene, aromatic characters, Huckel’s rule.
(b) Reactions of benzene - nitration, sulphonation, halogenation-reactivity, Friedel Crafts alkylation-reactivity, limitations and Friedel Crafts acylation.
(c) Substituents, effect of substituents on reactivity and orientation of monosubstituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction.
(d) Structure and uses of DDT, saccharin, BHC and chloramine.


Phenols: Acidity of phenols, effect of substituents on acidity, qualitative tests, structure and uses of phenol, cresols, resorcinol, naphthols.
Aromatic Amines:
Basicity of amines, effect of substituents on basicity and synthetic uses of aryl diazonium salts.


Fats and Oils:
(a) Fatty acids – reactions.
(b) Hydrolysis, hydrogenation, saponification and rancidity of oils, drying of oils.
(c) Analytical constants – Acid value, saponification value, ester value, iodine value, acetyl value, Reichert Meissle (RM) value – significance and principle involved in their determination.


Polynuclear Hydrocarbons: (a) Synthesis, reactions
(b) Structure and medicinal uses of naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, diphenylmethane, triphenylmethane and their derivatives.


Stabilities – Baeyer’s strain theory, limitation of Baeyer’s strain theory, Coulson and Moffitt’s modification, Sachse Mohr’s theory (Theory of Strainless Rings), reactions of cyclopropane and cyclobutane only.