Object Oriented System Development Understanding object oriented development, Understanding object oriented concepts, Benefits of object oriented development. Java Programming Fundamentals Introduction, Overview of Java, Data types, Variables and arrays, Operators, Control statements, Classes, Methods, Inheritance, Packages and interfaces.Unit-II
Exceptional handling, Multithreaded programming, 110 basics, Reading console input and output, Reading and writing files, Print writer class, String Handling.Unit-III
Exploring java language, Collections overview, Collections interfaces, Collection classes, Iterators, Random access interface, Maps, Comparators, Arrays, Legacy classes and interfaces, String tokenizer, Bit set, Date, Calendar observable, Timer.Unit-IV
Java i/o classes and interfaces, Files, Stream and byte classes, Character streams, Serialization.Unit-V
GUI and Event Driven Programming Applet class, Event handling, Delegation event model, Event classes, Event listener interfaces. Customizing frame windows, GUI programming basics, Text related GUI Components, Layout managers, Effective use of neste panels, Other GUI components, Menus and handling mouse events.
An introduction to concepts of system and organizations, Strategic uses of information technology, Business process in engineering and information technology.Unit-II
Application of operational information systems to business, Tactical and strategic information system to business.Unit-III
Information systems planning, Approach to system building, Alternative application development.Unit-IV
Managing knowledge, Knowledge management in the organization, Enhancing management decision-making, DSS, GDSS and ESS.Unit-V
Management of information systems, Information system security and control, Ethical issue, Managing firm infrastructure and enterprise system.
DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS Digital computers, Logic gate, Boolean algebra, Map simplification, Combinational circuits, Flip-flops, Sequential circuits. DIGITAL COMPONENTS Integrated circuits, Decoder, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift registers, Binary counter, Memory unit. DATA REPRESENTATION Data types, complements, fixed and floating point representation, other binary codes and error detection codes.UNIT-II
REGISTER TRANSFER AND MICRO OPERATIONS Register transfer language, Register transfer, Bus and memory transfer, Arithmetic microoperations, Logic micro operation, Shift micro operations and arithmetic logic shift unit. BASIC COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND DESIGN Instruction codes, Computer registers, Computer instructions, Timing and control, Instruction cycles, Memory reference instructions, Input, Output and interrupts, Design of accumulator logic.UNIT-III
PROGRAMMING THE BASIC COMPUTER Introduction, Machine language and assembly language, The assembler, Programming arithmetic and logic operations, Subroutines and input output programming. MICRO PROGRAMMED CONTROL Control memory, Address sequencing, Microprogram example, Design of control unit.UNIT-IV
CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Introduction, General register organization, Stack organization instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data transfer and manipulation, Program control RISC. Parallel processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction pipeline, RISC pipeline. COMPUTER ARITHMETIC Addition and subtraction, Multiplication algorithms, Division algorithms floating point arithmetic operations, Decimal arithmetic unit and decimal arithmetic operations.UNIT-V
INPUT-OUTPUT ORGANIZATION Peripheral devices, I/O out interface, Asynchronous data transfer, Modes of transfer, Priority interrupt, DMA, Input output processor, Serial communication. MEMORY ORGANIZATION Memory hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Associate memory, Cache memory.
An overview of Accounting cycle - Basic concepts and conventions - Books of Account - Terminal statement.Unit-II
Financial statement analysis and interpretation - Ratio analysis.Unit-III
Working capital - Sources and uses - Funds, flow and cash flow analysis - Management of Inventory.Unit-IV
Capital Budgeting - Techniques for evaluation - Cost of capital - Computation of specific costs and weighted average cost of capital.Unit-V
Analysis of costs and their behaviour - Cost volume - Profit analysis, Variable costing and absorption costing. Budgets - Flexible Budgeting - Long and Short term forecasting.